The Eckhoffs - Dan, Carin, Henry and Cora

The Eckhoffs - Dan, Carin, Henry and Cora
Live, Love, Laugh Often

Monday, June 14, 2010


Okay - eventually I will get organized and post more frequently and have more information about our fun Arizona vacation, but I wanted to get these cute stories in before I forget. On the plane ride down to AZ Cora loudly announced that she was "about to pee her pants" which caused most of the passengers around us to chuckle. So you can imagine how loudly they were laughing when she said, "Mom. how do we get down from the plane to get to the potty?" So cute!!

Then when we landed in AZ Henry asked if Arizona was ready for us yet because he was ready to be there. The first afternoon in our condo for the week Henry took a quick look around and announced, "Yes, I was hoping our house would look like this !" And then after we ran down to the pool complex his comment was, "This pool is the bestest ever !"

One evening at Chris' house we were outside watching the stars and soaking up the last of the evening before heading home and Henry asked me to watch for a shooting star. I then asked him what he would wish for if he saw one and his answer made me cry "mom tears" Henry: "I would wish for my whole family to be together forever."

Cora kept announcing that we could break the normal rules, like the "no pop for breakfast" rule because we were on a-cation (vacation).

And each day the kids got an allowance they could spend on whatever they wanted to. One morning at the store Cora wanted to buy some pink cookies, so she took out her money and paid for them herself. Later that day around lunchtime she didn't want to eat lunch - only her pink cookies. I informed her that she needed to eat lunch before dessert and she quickly told me that since they were her cookies, she got to decide what to eat first !!

Dan and I were excited because we think we finally taught Henry some money management. When we were at the McCormick Stillman railroad ranch park one day Henry asked for a new Thomas the Tank Engine train car. When I told him that it would cost his entire allowance for the next two days, he decided that he didn't really want to spend that much money. "That's okay. I didn't really want one anyway." So he finally got the point of saving your money for something that you really, really, really want.

More posts later - but I wanted to get these down before I forgot them.