The Eckhoffs - Dan, Carin, Henry and Cora

The Eckhoffs - Dan, Carin, Henry and Cora
Live, Love, Laugh Often

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Apple Orchard

A few weekends ago we went up to the Apple Orchard near Sioux Falls and had a blast. The weather was perfect and there were hardly any people there. The kids had so much fun walking up and down the rows of trees and picking their apples right off the tree. (I probably should have told them that apples don't really grow in grocery stores before now). There was a hay stack to climb on that Henry loved, a petting zoo that Cora loved - she announced that the sheep's coat felt like carpet. How cute !! They had pony rides and of course we picks a bunch of apples. On our last tractor ride in Henry and Cora spotted the pumpkins growing and announced that we would be coming back once the pumpkins were "all growed up" so we could pick pumpkins for Halloween. Here are some pictures from our fun day !!


As do most families, we struggle with teaching our children to help around the house and do their chores on a regular basis. I have tried sticker charts, magnets, bribes, threats, marble jars (explanation some other day) and all kinds of other incentives to get them to do their work.

A couple weeks ago Henry came up with a solution that even I have to admit was pretty smart. He doesn't really like making his bed, and I will agree that it is difficult since his bed is pushed up against the wall and it's hard to tuck the sheets in. So he announced that from that day on, he would be sleeping on top of the bed with his Hawkeye blanket covering him. And that way he wouldn't have to make his bed anymore because the sheets wouldn't ever get messed up. And, he's right !! So I have to give him credit for solving that problem.

Now if we could figure out how to make the dishwasher unload itself . . . . . . .


I realize most people don't put pictures of socks on their blog, but I was folding laundry the other day and washed Henry's new socks with a few pair of his old socks. As I was folding them and had them side-by-side, I realized how much our little man has grown. There is quite a size difference in the "old" versus the "new" I wish I could keep him little forever . . . . . .

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Kids professional pictures

I just love this picture of the two of them with their "birthday presents."
And we even got smiles here.

In this picture, I can just see Cora as a young lady a few years from now. Luckily, her impish grin gives her away in this picture and you can tell she's only three.

And my big man - I can just picture when he's sixteen and flips a chair around to sit on it, just like this one, as he talks to Dan and I.

The first day of school

First picture - Henry at his "desk" in first grade. Last year in Kindergarten they just had tables, but this year he is excited to have his "own desk." Second picture is Henry in front of his locker with the school principal, Mrs. Adams. She's a sweetheart and we are lucky to have her as our princi"pal". Third picture - Henry and Cora getting ready to head out for the "first day of school." They looked so grown up that mom had to cry, of course :-)