The Eckhoffs - Dan, Carin, Henry and Cora

The Eckhoffs - Dan, Carin, Henry and Cora
Live, Love, Laugh Often

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

It's not that Henry isn't cute too - but these Cora stories are just priceless. Last night we were snuggling in bed and Cora asked for about the 13th time if she could get out of bed for something (another glass of water or another stuffed animal or something) and I said that if she got out of bed again, she would lose her TV privileges the next day. She immediately dissolved into tears and threw a full-blown temper tantrum for the next five minutes. Then with tears still running down her cheeks she looked at me and said, "Mommy (sniffle, sniffle) why I mad?" The poor girl had forgotten why she was throwing a temper tantrum. It was so stinking adorable, I could hardly control my laughter.

Then tonight at the mall Henry and Cora were playing toss the ball with some friends of theirs and Cora made a comment that sent everyone at the table into fits of laughter. Let me set the stage: Last week Henry came home from school talking about his "nuts." Since that's not a word we use at our house, I asked him where he learned that particular word. Well, of course, it was from Aspen (that's a whole 'nother blog sometime - I'd like to wring that kid's neck). So Cora heard Henry talking about his "nuts" and pointing in the general direction of his privates. So back to this evening - the kids were sitting on the floor with their legs spread out and their toes touching and rolling the ball between each other. Henry rolled the ball to Cora and it bounced off her privates, whereupon she announced in a rather loud voice, "Oh, Henry you hit my nuts!" Seriously, how could you not laugh at that !!!!!

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