The Eckhoffs - Dan, Carin, Henry and Cora

The Eckhoffs - Dan, Carin, Henry and Cora
Live, Love, Laugh Often

Thursday, January 6, 2011

The announcement of baby

So, we weren't going to tell the kids we were pregnant right away because kids have no patience at all and if you tell them you're having a baby, they think it's coming tomorrow. 

But one Saturday morning in mid-November we were playing tickle monster on our bed and Henry was jumping all over me.  Finally Dan said, "Be careful of mommy's tummy."  And Henry in all innocence says, "Why, is there a baby in there or something?"  To which we replied, "Well, yes, actually there is."  And classic Henry response, "Seriously ?!?"

So now Henry and Cora know we're pregnant.  They first wanted to know if the baby would come while we were in Florida (late November) and then they wondered if Santa would be delivering the baby (I don't think so).  So the waiting is taking forever.

But Cora looked at me one morning recently and said, "Wow, mom.  You're really getting fat.  The baby must be growing."  Thanks honey, that makes me feel so attractive !!   :-)

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