The Eckhoffs - Dan, Carin, Henry and Cora

The Eckhoffs - Dan, Carin, Henry and Cora
Live, Love, Laugh Often

Thursday, January 6, 2011

I know, I know . . . .

Okay, so it's been about two months since I posted anything.  I know, I know - "you have to keep it more current or people won't read it"  My apologies to all of you, especially Uncle Ed !

But I think I have a valid reason - you be the judge and let me know what you think:

In early October my dad semi-retired, which meant that Dan was now in charge.  Which has increased his workload and his responsibilities significantly.  So as a result he hasn't been home as much and we miss him a lot !!  Things are improving as the staff seems to be working well under the "new management" and Dan has relaxed quite a bit, but this fall/early winter was hard on him.

Then in mid-October I entered into a contract to purchase a court reporting firm from another reporter who has been doing this for over 25 years when she decided to retire.  She has a wonderful reputation and it's been a great addition to my business.  However, she was a workaholic and since I've taken over her clients in addition to mine, my business went through the roof.  With Dan being gone more in the evenings, I've been working after the kids go to bed to keep caught up with everything.  My normal work days are 9 to 4 when the kids are in school and 10 pm to 2 or 3 am, after they go to bed.  So, of course, I've been tired and gotten sick a few times, but figured it was part of this crazy schedule I'm now keeping.  But come to find out . . . . . . . . .

The reason I've been so tired and sick is because we are going to have another baby !!   Yay !!!!  We are super excited to have another little one join our crew.  Henry is hoping for a boy and Cora wants a girl.  We go next week for our ultrasound and we will find out then what we're having.  The timing is not great - it means missing Todd and Vicki's wedding next spring, but babies don't generally check to see when it's convenient, do they ?

So then over Thanksgiving we decided to sneak a quick trip in down to Disney World thinking that with the new company and Dan working more and the baby coming, we might not be able to fit a family vacation in next year.  I'll post more pictures of the trip soon, but that's our November.

And December had its usual craziness of family, holiday shopping, baking, cooking, wrapping, visiting relatives, etc., that it always has.

So there - those are my reasons for not posting more often.  Do you think they are valid or am I still in trouble for not posting more often?   :-) 

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