The Eckhoffs - Dan, Carin, Henry and Cora

The Eckhoffs - Dan, Carin, Henry and Cora
Live, Love, Laugh Often

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Getting stuck in the parking garage

And finally an "airhead" story.  I know that medical science tells us that babies develop their own brain cells, but I disagree.  I think they steal their mom's because with each pregnancy, I swear I get stupider. 

I was working downtown last month and parked in the parking garage.  I knew I didn't have my normal change purse in the van because I had taken it inside the previous evening to work on a "money" unit with Henry (telling different coins apart and their value).  But I figured I had a few dollars in my purse to get out of the ramp with.  So, job is over with and I zoom down to the exit, insert my ticket, and rummage in my purse for some change to pay the fee.  Well, of course, I have exactly 45 cents and the fee is over $3.  So looking very sheepish, I back up the van, causing the person behind me to back up, so I can open my door and walk back to his car to beg him for some money.  I know, pathetic, right? 

Luckily, he was my witness from the morning job so I knew his name and had his home address.  So this kind soul took pity on airhead me and loaned me money to get out of the ramp with.  Then as soon as I got home, I mailed him off a thank you card and repaid him (with interest) to say thanks for bailing me out.  Then I put my change purse back in the van so that wouldn't happen again.  :-)

1 comment:

  1. Someone told me once that you lose a 1/4 of your brain with each child. Guess what...with 4 kids, I have nothing left!!!!:)
