The Eckhoffs - Dan, Carin, Henry and Cora

The Eckhoffs - Dan, Carin, Henry and Cora
Live, Love, Laugh Often

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

"I'm so excited"

One of my favorite things to do with the children is snuggle with them at night and talk about whatever they want to.  Usually it involves friends, issues at school, upcoming fun events, and other such topics.  But one night Cora, out of the blue, just started giggling and couldn't stop.  I, of course, giggled with her and finally asked her what she was so giggly about.  Her answer almost made me cry.  "I'm just so excited we're having a baby girl, mom.  I can't wait to meet her!!"   My sweet precious little girl - I love that you are so excited to meet your baby sister.  And I'm so proud of you - you will be an awesome big sis.

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