The Eckhoffs - Dan, Carin, Henry and Cora

The Eckhoffs - Dan, Carin, Henry and Cora
Live, Love, Laugh Often

Monday, August 9, 2010

The day everything went right

Have you ever had one of those days when everything went wrong? I know I've had more than I care to remember. However, last year when Dan and I were traveling in Washington, DC for the Iowa Funeral Director's Association, I had a day where everything went right. It was so strange !!!

First, that morning I got to sleep in - which is rare with young children. Then I had a made-to-order breakfast that was free - still don't know why. I met Dan after his meeting and we headed out to do some shopping. Now the state convention for IFDA was coming up in about three weeks and Dan was going to be installed as president. As first lady, there's some pressure to look nice, and I hadn't yet found a dress I liked for the banquet night. The very first store we went into had a pink dress I fell in love with, Dan found the correct size right away, and it was on clearance for 60% off - I love discounts. As we were leaving the store we wandered by the shoe department and found the perfect pair of cream heels that looked great with the dress and as a bonus, I found a pair of black high heels for work that were marked down to $10 - yep, $10.

As we left the store, there was a street vendor (there's tons of them in the big cities) who had Kate Spade purses for sale. Now, I love her purses, but I'm not about to pay the huge price tag she gets for them. These bags however were excellent knock-offs and only $20 - of course I had to get two. Then a few blocks later we found a perfume vendor that still had two bottles of my favorite perfume that was discontinued a few years back and I haven't been able to reorder it anywhere - and the price was reasonable too.

By this time Dan and I are joking that we need to buy a lottery ticket because we can't believe things are going this well for us. We stop in a cute little jewelry store and - you guessed it - find the jewelry that matches the new dress perfectly.

To top the evening off, we went to one of my favorite Brazilian restaurants with about 25 of our friends and had a delicious meal. How could the day get any better than that? So whenever I'm having one of those "Everything is going wrong today" days, I always try to remember my day when everything went right :-)

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