The Eckhoffs - Dan, Carin, Henry and Cora

The Eckhoffs - Dan, Carin, Henry and Cora
Live, Love, Laugh Often

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


I swore to myself that when I started this, I would do my best to keep it current. Well, it's been almost three weeks since I last posted anything, so obviously I'm not doing a very good job. There's also additional pressure here - Uncle Ed has made our blog a shortcut on his laptop and he checks it every day to see if there's anything new. Yikes !! The pressure !!! Just kidding, Uncle Ed - we love you .....

A lot has happened in the past few weeks, most noteably Todd and Vicki got engaged in Philadelphis on a short weekend trip and are planning a wedding in warm, sunny Dominican Republic - can't wait to celebrate with you guys. And school started back up again !! If I can get my pictures to upload, I will post some of Henry and Cora's first day.

We've ended up the summer with our last few trips to the pool, the movies, the play place, and Chuck-E-Cheese and are settling back into the routine of early bedtimes, homework (ugh) and early mornings (double ugh). Henry has stated that after one week of school, he's done and he doesn't need to go any more. Yeah, right, little buddy ! But Cora on the other hand loves her new room at Building Blocks. She's a "snail" now, which I find funny because I don't know any three-year-old that moves like a snail. A cheetah maybe, but not a snail. She is having fun playing with her friends she missed over the summer and being a "big three-year-old, mommy"

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