The Eckhoffs - Dan, Carin, Henry and Cora

The Eckhoffs - Dan, Carin, Henry and Cora
Live, Love, Laugh Often

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Getting stuck in the parking garage

And finally an "airhead" story.  I know that medical science tells us that babies develop their own brain cells, but I disagree.  I think they steal their mom's because with each pregnancy, I swear I get stupider. 

I was working downtown last month and parked in the parking garage.  I knew I didn't have my normal change purse in the van because I had taken it inside the previous evening to work on a "money" unit with Henry (telling different coins apart and their value).  But I figured I had a few dollars in my purse to get out of the ramp with.  So, job is over with and I zoom down to the exit, insert my ticket, and rummage in my purse for some change to pay the fee.  Well, of course, I have exactly 45 cents and the fee is over $3.  So looking very sheepish, I back up the van, causing the person behind me to back up, so I can open my door and walk back to his car to beg him for some money.  I know, pathetic, right? 

Luckily, he was my witness from the morning job so I knew his name and had his home address.  So this kind soul took pity on airhead me and loaned me money to get out of the ramp with.  Then as soon as I got home, I mailed him off a thank you card and repaid him (with interest) to say thanks for bailing me out.  Then I put my change purse back in the van so that wouldn't happen again.  :-)

Telling time

Henry has just finished a time unit at school and is working on telling time, both on a digital clock and an old-fashioned clock.  So, of course, Cora is fascinated by clocks now as well.  One evening she was staring at Dan's digital clock and asked, "Mom, what does the box on the clock mean?"  Huh?  "What box, sweetie?"  "You know, mom, the box right here," and pointed at a zero on the digital display.  Yep, Cora, I guess that does look like a box, doesn't it? 

Then later in the evening, she says, "Mom, it's seven, dot, dot, one, three.  Is that bedtime?"  I'm puzzled and trying to figure out what the "dot, dot" is when I realize that on a digital display, it looks like 7:13 and she was absolutely correct to call them dots, because they are.  Way to go, sweetie !!

"Is that God?"

At church a couple weeks ago, Cora was watching the minister very intently during the sermon and seemed to be struggling with something.  She finally looked at me, just as serious as can be, and asked, "Mom, is he God?"  I, of course, wasn't quite prepared to answer that question (let alone in the middle of the sermon when we're trying to be quiet) and so my quick answer was, "No, sweetie, he's not."  To which she replied, "Okay.  Well, he's God's helper then."  Yes, sweetheart, he certainly is God's helper and with all the innocence of a three-year old, you got it exactly right. 

"I'm so excited"

One of my favorite things to do with the children is snuggle with them at night and talk about whatever they want to.  Usually it involves friends, issues at school, upcoming fun events, and other such topics.  But one night Cora, out of the blue, just started giggling and couldn't stop.  I, of course, giggled with her and finally asked her what she was so giggly about.  Her answer almost made me cry.  "I'm just so excited we're having a baby girl, mom.  I can't wait to meet her!!"   My sweet precious little girl - I love that you are so excited to meet your baby sister.  And I'm so proud of you - you will be an awesome big sis.

Henry's first lost tooth

Henry's been feeling a little left out this winter because all of his friends had lost a tooth and he hadn't yet.  Well, basketball to the rescue !!  We were at a basketball game in late January and a child from the opposing team shoved Henry in the face with his elbow (quite forcefully) as he was trying to get the ball away from Henry.  Henry ended up with a split lip and a loose tooth that fell out that evening.  He wasn't quite sure if he should be excited or scared or both, but he did decide that he could only eat pudding and ice cream for a few days !!


Well, I managed to let another two months slip by before posting anything - so sorry about that.  It's certainly not that we haven't been busy.  Quite the opposite in fact.  Dan and Uncle Ed have finished the bathroom and bedroom remodel downstairs and it looks awesome.  I'll put some pictures up soon.  Henry loves having his own room (as does Cora) and he really loves the Hawkeye theme we've set up for him. 

Other household projects include having the kitchen and dining room tile floors buffed and polished; carpets cleaned; furniture rearranged; some furniture items moved and sold; basement reorganized; closets moved; bathroom rugs for all the bathrooms replaced; and left to be done is painting the "girls room".  Cora informed me I can't call it the nursery because that's for babies and she's a big girl - so it's the girls room !!

We've also had the usual children activities including concerts, basketball games, family fun weekend in Sioux Falls, field trips with daycare, playdates, and friends' birthday parties.  So it's been a good couple months. 

Hope you are all doing well and enjoying the start of spring !!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

The big announcement . . . . . .

So, most of you know by now that we're expecting a new baby in June.  The ultrasound was this past Monday and we found out that our new bundle of joy is going to be a girl !!  Yay !!  Cora is thrilled and can't stop talking about it.  Henry is very, very bummed and, in fact, cried when the technician told us it was a girl.  He's already asking if we can have a fourth baby to see if God gives us a boy this time.  Wow, I don't know about that one, sweetheart.  But our baby girl looks healthy and happy and we can't wait to meet her.  I tried to attach a picture from the sonogram, but can't seem to make it work.  (besides the babies kinda look like aliens on the ultrasound anyway).  Looking forward to seeing you in June baby Eckhoff !!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

And more pictures of Walt Disney World

In case you aren't familiar with her - this is Lilo from Lilo and Stitch - one of the shows the kids love.  I just really liked this pic of Lilo hugging Cora.

More pictures - Cora and the princesses and fairies

Walt Disney World

Yay - Walt Disney World here we come !!   We have gone there almost every other year and we just love the place.  To see the Disney Magic through the eyes of little kids is just priceless.  Here are some pictures - I couldn't narrow it down any more than this - all of our pictures turned out great !!

The announcement of baby

So, we weren't going to tell the kids we were pregnant right away because kids have no patience at all and if you tell them you're having a baby, they think it's coming tomorrow. 

But one Saturday morning in mid-November we were playing tickle monster on our bed and Henry was jumping all over me.  Finally Dan said, "Be careful of mommy's tummy."  And Henry in all innocence says, "Why, is there a baby in there or something?"  To which we replied, "Well, yes, actually there is."  And classic Henry response, "Seriously ?!?"

So now Henry and Cora know we're pregnant.  They first wanted to know if the baby would come while we were in Florida (late November) and then they wondered if Santa would be delivering the baby (I don't think so).  So the waiting is taking forever.

But Cora looked at me one morning recently and said, "Wow, mom.  You're really getting fat.  The baby must be growing."  Thanks honey, that makes me feel so attractive !!   :-)

I know, I know . . . .

Okay, so it's been about two months since I posted anything.  I know, I know - "you have to keep it more current or people won't read it"  My apologies to all of you, especially Uncle Ed !

But I think I have a valid reason - you be the judge and let me know what you think:

In early October my dad semi-retired, which meant that Dan was now in charge.  Which has increased his workload and his responsibilities significantly.  So as a result he hasn't been home as much and we miss him a lot !!  Things are improving as the staff seems to be working well under the "new management" and Dan has relaxed quite a bit, but this fall/early winter was hard on him.

Then in mid-October I entered into a contract to purchase a court reporting firm from another reporter who has been doing this for over 25 years when she decided to retire.  She has a wonderful reputation and it's been a great addition to my business.  However, she was a workaholic and since I've taken over her clients in addition to mine, my business went through the roof.  With Dan being gone more in the evenings, I've been working after the kids go to bed to keep caught up with everything.  My normal work days are 9 to 4 when the kids are in school and 10 pm to 2 or 3 am, after they go to bed.  So, of course, I've been tired and gotten sick a few times, but figured it was part of this crazy schedule I'm now keeping.  But come to find out . . . . . . . . .

The reason I've been so tired and sick is because we are going to have another baby !!   Yay !!!!  We are super excited to have another little one join our crew.  Henry is hoping for a boy and Cora wants a girl.  We go next week for our ultrasound and we will find out then what we're having.  The timing is not great - it means missing Todd and Vicki's wedding next spring, but babies don't generally check to see when it's convenient, do they ?

So then over Thanksgiving we decided to sneak a quick trip in down to Disney World thinking that with the new company and Dan working more and the baby coming, we might not be able to fit a family vacation in next year.  I'll post more pictures of the trip soon, but that's our November.

And December had its usual craziness of family, holiday shopping, baking, cooking, wrapping, visiting relatives, etc., that it always has.

So there - those are my reasons for not posting more often.  Do you think they are valid or am I still in trouble for not posting more often?   :-)